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What is Babywearing?
Babywearing is the act of keeping your baby or toddler close to you in a sling or carrier while you go about your day. 


Benefits to parents.

- Less incidence of postnatal depression.

- Can help with breastfeeding as baby is held close and promotes milk supply.

- Increases bonding especially skin to skin contact.

- Parent can respond to childs needs quicker.

- Can be hands free to do household activities and go places a buggy wouldn't allow.

- If you have older children you can still play and interact with them while baby held close.


Benefits to child.

- Tend to be more settled and cry less.

- Improved digestion due to being in an upright position.

- While awake they are in a state of quiet alertness, taking in what is going on around them.

- Makes 4th trimester less daunting for a newborn.


Safety and comfort.

Follow TICKS (acronym) guidelines.

T - Tight, make sure there is no slack fabric/straps.

I - In view at all times, make sure you can always see your childs face.

C- Close enough to kiss, you should be able to kiss babys head by tipping your chin.

K - Keep chin off chest, make sure your baby is not forced to have chin on their chest.

S - Supported back, your child should be upright with their tummy and chest against you keeping their back in the natural position.


Always check your sling for wear and tear before each use.

Think about what you and your child is wearing, are they going to get too hot. Remember a sling could be up to 3 or 4 layers already.

A good carrier will put the childs hips and knees in to a 'M' position and support their back in its natural curved shape. 

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